
Notice regarding all information presented on this Website – Disclamer

ELST company makes no representations regarding the competency of the information contained in the documents provided and related graphics that are published on this Website for any purpose. These documents and related graphics contain no warranty present. In no occasion ELST Company shall be obligated for any special, non-direct or substantial damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from the loss of use, data or profits whether it is in action of an arrangement, oversight or any other indirect action, emerged out of or related with the usage or performance of information available from this website (Disclamer).

The documents and related graphic presentations distributed by this web site may include technical incorrectness or typographical mistakes. Periodical change of the information herein is continuous process. ELST company may make certain improvements and/or changes of the services and/or the programs that are described herein anytime without official announcement on the website.

Copyright and Trademarks

All rights, among which copyrights are also included, in the content of the Web pages on this website are owned or controlled for these intentions by ELST company.

In accessing ELST company’s web pages, you agree to download the content for personal use only. You are not permitted to copy, display, download, save, forward, demonstrate or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of these  web pages for any other goal whatsoever without the previous permission in written of ELST company.

Professional Relationships

ELST Company Logo is trademark of ELST Company. Other products and services as well as the company names presented on the website can be the trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights that are not expressly granted in this notice are reserved.

Nothing that is contained in this site shall be explained as discussing any license or right to any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right of ELST company or any third party.

The usage of this website by you does not create automatically any client or professional services relationship between ELST Company and you. If you are a client of ELST Company then nothing in these terms and conditions will outplace any provision of any engagement letter or other agreement currently active with respect to that client and the professional relationship.

Governing Law

ELST Company maintains this website in Serbia, and you agree that these terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Serbia law. In the situation of any dispute arises in connection with or relating to your use of this website or these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of justice of Serbia, save that the ELST company may choose to take action in respect of any violation of its intellectual property rights in the courts of justice of any other country. You are fully responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction from which you are entering this website and you agree that you will not access or use the information on this site in violation of such laws.


Despite the continuous effort of ESLT Company to optimize the accuracy of information on this website properly updated – we do not guarantee the 100% precision and correctness.

The information provided on this website do not incorporate professional advice and they are subject to change without prior notice.


Links from this website, if provided, are only provided for your information and convenience.

ELST Company does not take liability for the link sites available through http://elst-company.com or the information found on them. A link does not imply that ELST Company approves any particular site. Also, if ELST Company does not provide linking to some website, it does not show the absence of endorsing.


ELST company cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to this website, or the sites linked to and cannot accept any kind of responsibility for any damages, which have arisen from the loss of use of these information.